How to change or cancel your order or delivery

Cancelling your order

You can check if you can cancel an order directly from your account:

  1. Sign into your account 
  2. Go to Order details page 
  3. Select Change your order option.
  4.  If this option is not visible, it means that we won’t be able to cancel your order and it will be delivered to you as scheduled. 
  5.  If you then wish to return it, please check how to return an item for instructions


Orders which can't be cancelled

There are some products which we cannot cancel, refund or exchange, including perishable and made-to-order items. Read our Refund policy for the full list. 

If you're an international customer, please find out more about the terms and conditions for international returns here.

Take a look at the full terms and conditions for more information on your cancellation rights under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013.

Changing your delivery details

Small items (parcels that can be delivered by one person)

You’ll receive delivery updates from our 3rd party carriers, who in most instances will give you options to make changes to your delivery.

Large items (items delivered by two people)

If you need to urgently change your address details or the current delivery date, we may be able to make these changes before your product is dispatched. Please contact our Customer Services team for advice.